What’s in a name…

One of our readers was asking how we came up with the name of our blog…ha ha ha,no, not really.  A girlfriend asked me at lunch.  We haven’t even driven a kilometre yet, not so many readers yet.

We had been trying to think of a name for our blog for quite a while. We wanted something a bit more creative than just “Derek and Cathy’s blog”, but had not come up with anything that we liked. At the same time we were trying to come up with a name for our truck that suited it’s personality.

Kootenay National Park in British Columbia

One day we were driving through Kootenay National Park on our way to our cabin. We were talking about our trip to South America, and how it was possible that we might not make it all the way to Ushuaia, Argentina (the most southern town in South America). Derek said that the goal of the trip wasn’t necessarily to make it all the way to the tip of South America, but to see more of the world….see more….Seymour! It seemed like a perfect name for our big green dodge.


From there we started to incorporate the truck’s name into our possible list of blog names. At one point we had Juana Seymour (pronounced “wanna see more”), until we found out the Juana is a nickname for marijuana in Spanish. Several other names were put forth but we would just look at each other and shrug. One day Derek said “Seymour Del Mundo!” and it stuck. Del Mundo means “of the world” in Spanish. Seymour Del Mundo, see more of the world…aren’t we clever! Okay, maybe a bit cheesy but it rolled off of the tongue well and we both liked it. And that is the story of the name of our blog!

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