Settling in and Some Trip Stats.

It is now January 2020 and we have been back home for several months. The first few months we were been busy getting our house back in order; getting moved back in, doing minor repairs, trying to get rid of some things that we no longer need or want, doing some painting….

We are enjoying being home, having so much space, watching wildlife walk through our yard. It has been great to see friends and acquaintances again and to cook in a real kitchen…but there is also a bit of a feeling of being lost, not knowing what to do each day, and, for me at least, some longing for life back on the road.

It is a bit surreal….like when you read of people who say they were abducted by aliens, and had this week-long and detailed experience aboard the mother ship, only to return and to find that they were gone what turns out to be a few minutes of earth time. We had this fabulous 2 year experience and then returned and it’s almost like we were never gone, so much is unchanged from when we left. The trip seems almost like a dream, and South America feels very far away in both time and space. We knew we would have to take some time when we got home to readjust to life here in Alberta. We are still working on that.

People have asked us what our favourite part of the trip was, and it is really impossible to pick one country, one beach, one mountain, one waterfall, one colonial city, or one meal as our favourite. I think the best part of the trip however was the day to day excitement and freedom. Every day was something new, and the decision would be made daily whether to stay and enjoy it or to move on to yet another new experience. Time slowed down on the road as we keenly observed and were present for every single moment.

Others have asked what our next adventure will be. For now, our plan is to stay fairly close to home, but we are already talking about backpacking and canoe trips for next summer, and we are enjoying getting out and playing in the snow this winter.

Okay, here are some stats about the trip:

We drove 73,960 kilometres (well, Derek drove and I navigated, for all but about 300 kilometres!) The batteries of our SPOT device failed several hundred kilometres before we arrived home, so there is a small bit of the loop that is missing on our Where Are We Now page.

We were in 16 different countries, over 683 days. Here is a breakdown of how many days we spent in each country:



Of the 683 days, we camped for free for 168 days, paid for camping for 392 days, and stayed in an AirBnb or hotel or sailboat for 123 days…74 of those were nights where our truck was in a container being shipped either over the Darien Gap or from Uruguay to Halifax.

We put Seymour on about 20 ferries along the way. We took boats without Seymour on about 12 or 13 different occasions…sometimes to stay on an island for a few days, sometimes a day trip to an island or a remote coastline, and of course, the fantastic sailing trip we did to get over the Darien Gap.

There were lots of things to be repaired over the 2 years. Derek and I took the fridge apart dozens of times, finally fixing it for good a few months before the end of our trip on the east coast of Canada. Some of the repairs that Derek did on the truck and camper include wiring an override for the chip controlled mechanical charging relay, fixing taillights, repairing the side mirror on the truck after a minor accident, replacing the water pump, re-greasing dry and screeching brake calliper pins, removing, straightening and reinstalling a crooked running board (that got crunched trying to get up a super narrow lane way), repairing the thermostat for the furnace in the camper, replacing the burnt out charge controller for the solar panels, replacing the idler pulley, multiple oil changes, lube jobs, tire repairs and many more small fixes and modifications.

We had Seymour in to mechanics to weld the exhaust system, for brake service and new tires. We had the fuel tank dropped and cleaned, a new lift pump installed and and finally an entire set of injectors.

It was the most amazing experience of our lives. We are so glad we went.

So, there you have it. Our last blog post for the trip! If you made it all the way to this post, a sincere thank you for following along and and thanks also to all those that commented and emailed.

10 thoughts on “Settling in and Some Trip Stats.

  1. Phil Nobert

    Great summary Cathy. Your description of your feelings since being home is no surprise – you two did something so few people will ever do. Thanks again for taking us all along with you.


  2. Joy Lofendale

    Hi Cathy and Derek – Glad that you guys have made it safely back to your home in Alberta. Wayne and I have
    thoroughly enjoyed following your adventure., just reading about the repairs Derek made tells me that there
    never would have been a time that Wayne and I would have even envisioned doing a trip like you
    just did these past years! Thank you again for letting us do the trip through your eyes and photographs.

    Enjoy the snow at home!

    1. Cathy Post author

      Thank you Joy! We had a nice day skiing at Sunshine yesterday and it was wonderful!

      I was amazed at what Derek was able to repair along the way…definitely saved us some headaches and some dollars!

  3. Imke Greidanus

    Wow Cathy and Derek,

    What a trip…..I followed the blogs and enjoyed very much the photo’s
    What an adventure, what a freedom

    Enjoy you stay at home an making new plans

  4. Alice Ng

    Dear Cathy and Derek,
    What an amazing journey!!

    I am so glad that both of you are safely home after your two years of a wonderful experience and an adventurous trip!!…Welcome home to Alberta!

    Thank you for sharing your stories and pictures and most of all, opening my eyes to all these places that I would not have been able to experience.

    Thanks Cathy!


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