Hola from Mexico, we made it!

We left Sunnyvale near San Francisco and made our way into Arizona, heading for the border crossing at Nogales (south of Tucson).  Before leaving California we spent another night in a casino parking lot just west of Palm Springs.  We woke up at 3 in the morning to the sound of helicopters flying overhead.  In the morning we discovered that there were several police cars, authorities armed with HUGE rifles, ambulances and other emergency equipment blocking off part of the casino….what the ….. ??????  Okay, looks like some action happening, but can we still use the rest room????

We had breakfast and got the heck out of there.  Later we learned that a man wanted for armed kidnapping had been spotted in the casino and the authorities were scouring the area in search of him.  We have never woke up in the middle of a manhunt before!

We stayed in a state park the next night (no helicopters in the middle of the night), then wild camped near the Mexican border in a spot that offered up great views.

The border crossing was a bit confusing, but we made it across with no issues and headed for the beach.  We practiced our Spanish along the way using the road signs…signs that say things in Spanish like “Don’t drive tired, your family awaits you!” or “If you are taking, do not drive”, taking meaning drinking alcohol.

We have been at Islandia RV campground in Viejo Bahia Kino for the last 3 nights (330 pesos per night, with electricity, hookups, reasonable wifi and warm showers…about $22 CAD per night) and will stay again tonight before heading inland and north again.  No, we are not making a run for the American border, just checking out the Rio Sonora before we head on to the Copper Canyon.  It has been nice to not have to pack up the truck and start driving every morning.

We have been taking long walks on the beach, swimming, enjoying happy hour with some fellow Canadian campers that we have met,  a couple from Saskatchewan and a couple from Manitoba.  It has been relaxing but hot – it was 37C yesterday.  If we can find shade there is a nice breeze off of the beach which makes it actually quite nice.

We bought some fresh shrimp and flounder yesterday, paid $8 and change total for about a pound of each, and the cerveza stays cold in our little fridge.  Feeling a little bit like Jimmy Buffet…haven’t blown a flip flop yet, but it could happen at any time.



4 thoughts on “Hola from Mexico, we made it!

  1. Paul

    Did you actually say..”long walks on the beach”? haha . You’ll be pleased to know that your departure was very timely and you missed a fair bit of snow fall and some biting -°C that are still lingering after 10 days. Warming up now but certainly not 37°C, he says jealously!!

  2. Clare

    Hey you guys,
    Just to let you know we are keeping an eye on you.
    Hope the Sonora was interesting and now we are intrigued by the Copper Canyon.
    How’s little Piper doing?
    How does she feel about Chihuahua, the place of courae!!!
    Clare and Dave and Mocha

    1. Cathy Post author

      Hey guys! We will be going to meet the Raramuri people today! Piper thinks she would like to go for a run with them….we’ll watch.


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